Tasks are the life-force behind any project - the simplest project you can think of probably includes one or more tasks. Goplan lets you create and categorize tasks that should be completed in order to move the project forward.

Creating tasks

  1. Navigate to your project
  2. Click Tasks on the top navigation menu
  3. Click New Task from the sidebar (to create a detailed task) or use the sidebar task form to quickly create a new task

Task attributes

Tasks may have the following attributes assigned to them. You may edit any of these attributes from the Task Edit screen, which you can access by hovering with your mouse over any task on the task list screen, or from the Edit button on a task details screen.

  • Title - a brief description of what the task entails
  • Category - the category the task belongs to
  • Description (optional) - outlines in more detail what the task is about
  • Due date (optional) - date the task should be completed by, if any
  • Assignee (optional) - who the task is assigned to
  • Milestone (optional) - the milestone a task belongs to
  • Tags (optional) - a number of tags to classify the task

Tasks may also have any number of child tasks (or parent tasks).

Taks can also have attached documents and tags.